martedì 23 novembre 2010

some of my work

 Nel mio lavoro irrompono figure femminili fluttuanti oppure figure autoreferenti, loti bianchi e rose rosse, quasi sempre su un paesaggio contemporaneo-storico o storicizzato, a volte su un panorama a me familiare. 
Si tratta di epifanie in cui le figure, che costituiscono parte impregnata e pregnante dell’ambiente, si mescolano a significative ed intime citazioni floreali ma anche architettoniche, inserite in  finestre virtuali -intarsi spazio/temporali- o addirittura occupanti uno spazio che “fuoriesce” dalla singola tela. Questi dittici o polittici diventano ambienti essi stessi. La mia pittura è intesa come spazio architettonico al quale lo spettatore può partecipare con lo sguardo ma anche fisicamente..

In my works, fluctuating women, as well as self-referring figures, white loti and red roses usually break into contemporary historical or historized landscapes, sometimes in familiar landscapes. 
Epiphanies where figures - impregnating and impregnated by the environment - are mixed with significant and profound floral and architectural citations, inserted into virtual windows - space/time marquetries - or space filling windows almost debording from the paintings: diptychs or poliptychs becoming themselves environmenst.
My painting is intended as an architectural space that spectators may share with their gaze and body, becoming a significant part of the painting itself (non duality work of art/spectator). But my work is also centred around the time (there isnt space without time), the time intended as cultural and historical stratification but also vision (as it happens in video art).
Finally, Im looking for a temporal dimension intended as eternal present, that is absolute time and space in the present moment.

..."The old and new buildings under reconstruction painted by Santodd symbolize the sacral elevation, typical of the images of praying figures, of the blossoming flowers, of the eyes looking up; as we exist in a temporal dimension intended as eternal present, that is absolute time and space, in the present moment. The praying hands elevate themselves towards the urban construction to join the sacral contiguity between past and present with the aspiration to go beyond.
...Its poetics is constructed and amplified by the double dialectics: the painting into the painting, as well as the variable diptych and triptych and the duplicity of significations, the latter becoming themselves impalpable environments"... (Vitaldo Conte)                                                                                                          
..."Working on space with profound consciousness, Salvatore Santodd separates the elements of the composition, creating new, unusual times and spaces, almost like a gardener working a garden with his own particular rules on nature and landscape. An emotional garden - made up of landscapes and figures, sometimes female figures fluctuating like flower corollas in a pond - flourishing with tempting red roses alluding to the erotic world or white loti reminding of the experience and meditation worlds.
Sometimes the two flowers flow one into the other, in a mystic transit where the artist combines his artistic path with his existential
(D. Amoroso)